Thursday, 25 February 2016

Normalization by Evaluation

-- Stealing an intro from sigfpe ([1]),
-- I've decided that Normalization by Evaluation is the hardest trivial thing in type theory.
-- Let's go down the rabbit hole.

module NbE where

open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Empty
open import Data.Nat.Base
open import Data.Sum
open import Data.List.Base

module Readback where
  infixr 3 ƛ_
  infixl 6 _·_ _∙_

  -- NbE is usually explained like this:
  -- 1. first-order lambda terms representation
  -- 2. higher-order lambda terms representation
  -- 3. `readback'
  -- 4. `eval`
  -- 5. `norm = readback ∘ eval`

  -- Our plan is as follows:
  -- 1. higher-order lambda terms representation
  -- 2. normalization for higher-order lambda terms
  -- 3. first-order lambda terms representation
  -- 4. `toValue`, `fromValue`
  -- 5. `norm = fromValue ∘ normValue ∘ toValue`
  -- 6. `eval`
  -- 7. `norm = readback ∘ eval`

  -- The higher-order lambda terms representation is
  data Value (A : Set) : Set where
    pure : A -> Value A
    lam  : (Value A -> Value A) -> Value A
    _·_  : Value A -> Value A -> Value A

  VTerm : Set₁
  VTerm =  {A} -> Value A

  -- A few examples:

  Iᵥ : VTerm
  Iᵥ = lam λ x -> x

  Kᵥ : VTerm
  Kᵥ = lam λ x -> lam λ y -> x

  Sᵥ : VTerm
  Sᵥ = lam λ f -> lam λ g -> lam λ x -> f · x · (g · x)

  -- It might be instructive to add some parentheses:

  S⁽⁾ : VTerm
  S⁽⁾ = lam  f -> lam  g -> lam  x -> f · x · (g · x))))

  -- `lam` receives a continuation that returns a `Value`.
  -- "Continuations are programs with holes in them" (quoted from [2]),
  -- so `S` says "give me some `f`, `g` and `x`" and I'll produce `f · x · (g · x)` to you".
  -- But these `f`, `g` and `x` are themselves `VTerm`s,
  -- hence we can define function application that β-reduces:

  _∙_ :  {A} -> Value A -> Value A -> Value A
  lam k  x = k x
  f      x = f · x

  -- If the head constructor is `lam`, then there is a hole that we can fill.
  -- Otherwise we simply use the `_·_` constructor.

  -- A simple test:

  SI :  {A} -> Sᵥ {A}  Iᵥ  lam λ g -> lam λ x -> Iᵥ · x · (g · x)
  SI = refl

  -- `f` was substituted by `Iᵥ`.

  -- Normalization of a `Value` is similar:

  normValue :  {A} -> Value A -> Value A
  normValue (pure x) = pure x
  normValue (lam k ) = lam λ x -> normValue (k x)
  normValue (f · x ) = case normValue f of λ
    { (lam k) -> normValue (k x)
    ;  nf     -> nf · normValue x

  -- In the `f · x` case we first normalize `f`, if the head constructor is `lam`,
  -- then there is a hole, we fill it and proceed further. Otherwise
  -- `normValue (f · x)` is the same as `normValue f · normValue x`.

  -- An example:

  SKK : normValue (Sᵥ · Kᵥ · Kᵥ · pure 0)  normValue (Iᵥ · pure 0)
  SKK = refl

  -- The first-order representation of lambda terms will contain de Bruijn indices

  data Term : Set where
    var :  -> Term
    ƛ_  : Term -> Term
    _·_ : Term -> Term -> Term

  -- A few examples:

  I : Term
  I = ƛ var 0

  K : Term
  K = ƛ ƛ var 1

  S : Term
  S = ƛ ƛ ƛ var 2 · var 0 · (var 1 · var 0)

  -- Here is a function that converts higher-order lambda terms to theiry first-order counterparts:

  var⁺ :  ->  -> Term
  var⁺ m n = var (n  m  1)

  fromValue : VTerm -> Term
  fromValue x = go 0 x where
    go :  -> Value  -> Term
    go n (pure m) = var⁺ m n
    go n (lam k ) = ƛ (go (suc n) (k (pure n)))
    go n (f · x ) = go n f · go n x

  -- In `go` `n` represents the number of already encountered lambda abstractions.
  -- On encountering a `lam`, we prepend a lambda to the resulting term and
  -- apply the continuation to a fresh variable represented as a number of encountered
  -- lambdas wrapped in `pure`. We also increase the lambdas counter.
  -- In the `go n (pure m)` case we know that some variable was substituted by `pure m`,
  -- where `m` was a number of encountered so far lambdas.
  -- And now the number of encountered lambdas is `n`.
  -- Thus, the resulting de Bruijn index is `n ∸ m ∸ 1`. 

  -- Here are some reductions:

  -- `fromValue Iᵥ`
  -- `go 0 (lam λ x -> x)`
  -- `ƛ (go 1 (pure 0))`
  -- `ƛ var vz`

  -- `fromValue Kᵥ`
  -- `go 0 (lam λ x -> lam λ y -> x)`
  -- `ƛ (go 1 (lam λ y -> pure 0))`
  -- `ƛ ƛ (go 2 (pure 0))`
  -- `ƛ ƛ var 1`

  Sᵥ≈S : fromValue Sᵥ  S
  Sᵥ≈S = refl

  -- We'll need some unsafe silliness in order to define the `toValue` function.
  module _ where
    postulate undefined :  {α} {A : Set α} -> A

    unsafeLookup :  {α} {A : Set α} ->  -> List A -> A
    unsafeLookup  _       []      = undefined
    unsafeLookup  0      (x  xs) = x
    unsafeLookup (suc n) (x  xs) = unsafeLookup n xs

  toValue : Term -> VTerm
  toValue t = go [] t where
    go :  {A} -> List (Value A) -> Term -> Value A
    go ρ (var n) = unsafeLookup n ρ
    go ρ (ƛ b  ) = lam  x -> go (x  ρ) b)
    go ρ (f · x) = go ρ f · go ρ x

  -- In `go` `ρ` is an environment -- a list of already introduced bindings.
  -- When encounter a `ƛ`, we prepend `lam` to the result, bind a variable
  -- and add this binding to the environment. Later, in the `var n` case we take the nth binding.

  -- Here are some reductions:

  -- `toValue I`
  -- `go [] (ƛ var 0)`
  -- `lam λ x -> go (x ∷ []) (var 0)`
  -- `lam λ x -> x`

  -- `toValue K`
  -- `go [] (ƛ ƛ var 1)`
  -- `lam λ x -> go (x ∷ []) (ƛ var 1)`
  -- `lam λ x -> lam λ y -> go (y ∷ x ∷ []) (var 1)`
  -- `lam λ x -> lam λ y -> x`

  S≈Sᵥ :  {A} -> toValue S {A}  Sᵥ
  S≈Sᵥ = refl

  -- Finally, the normalization function:

  norm′ : Term -> Term
  norm′ t = fromValue (normValue (toValue t))

  SKK≈I′ : norm′ (S · K · K)  I
  SKK≈I′ = refl

  -- `norm` is usually defined in terms of `readback` (or `quote`) and `eval`.
  -- `readback` is the same thing as `fromValue`

  readback : VTerm -> Term
  readback = fromValue

  -- and `eval` is like `normValue ∘ toValue`, but in one phase:

  eval : Term -> VTerm
  eval t = go [] t where
    go :  {A} -> List (Value A) -> Term -> Value A
    go ρ (var n) = unsafeLookup n ρ
    go ρ (ƛ b  ) = lam  x -> go (x  ρ) b)
    go ρ (f · x) = go ρ f  go ρ x

  -- The only difference between toValue` and `eval` is that function application
  -- β-reduces in the latter case, i.e. it's `go ρ f ∙ go ρ x` instead of `go ρ f · go ρ x`.

  norm : Term -> Term
  norm = readback  eval

  SKK≈I : norm (S · K · K)  I
  SKK≈I = refl

  S≈S : norm S  S
  S≈S = refl

module NewValues where
  open Readback using (Term; var; ƛ_; _·_; var⁺; unsafeLookup; I; K; S) public

  infixl 6 _·⁺_ _∙_

  -- Our next step is to remove `_·_` from `Value`s and define normalization within this setting.

  data Value (A : Set) : Set where
    pure : A -> Value A
    lam  : (Value A -> Value A) -> Value A

  -- With the de Bruijn indices approach a variable can be denoted by different indices in a term,
  -- depending on how many variables were introduced after it.
  -- E.g. consider the `ω` combinator: `ƛ var 0 · var 0`. We can η-expand the last `var 0` and get
  -- `ƛ var 0 · (ƛ var 1 · var 0)`. The variable introduced by the first lambda is denoted
  -- first as `var 0` and then as `var 1`.

  -- It's a problem, because we want to fill a hole in a term `lam λ x -> ...`
  -- by passing something to the continuation, so `x` will everywhere be replaced by
  -- some expression. But de Bruijn indices are context dependent, so it's not possible to
  -- do that with them.

  -- There is no such problem with de Bruijn levels (e.g. the `S` combinator with
  -- de Bruijn levels is represented as `ƛ ƛ ƛ var 0 · var 2 · (var 1 · var 2)`).
  -- The `ω` combinator with de Bruijn levels is the same `ƛ var 0 · var 0`,
  -- but if we now η-expand the last `var 0`, we'll get `ƛ var 0 · (ƛ var 0 · var 1)`.
  -- The variable introduced by the first lambda is `var 0` everywhere.

  -- The solution is to emulate de Bruijn levels using the liftable terms approach
  -- (the terminology is due to [3]). Instead of instantiating `x` in `lam λ x -> ...` with
  -- a term, we'll instantiate it with a function that returns a term. Lately, the function
  -- will be applied to the number of encountered lambdas and will compute the term
  -- accordingly to this context.

  -- Liftable terms are

  Term⁺ : Set
  Term⁺ =  -> Term

  -- We have already seen liftable variables:

  -- var⁺ : ℕ -> ℕ -> Term
  -- var⁺ m n = var (n ∸ m ∸ 1)

  -- Function application for liftable terms is straightforward:

  _·⁺_ : Term⁺ -> Term⁺ -> Term⁺
  (f ·⁺ x) n = f n · x n

  -- As promised terms in the model are

  VTerm : Set
  VTerm = Value Term⁺

  -- `readback` receives a `VTerm` and a number of already encountered lambdas.

  readback : VTerm -> Term⁺
  readback (pure t) n = t n
  readback (lam k)  n = ƛ (readback (k (pure (var⁺ n))) (suc n))

  -- On encountering `lam λ x -> ...` `x` gets instantiated to `pure (var⁺ n)` --
  -- recall that `var⁺ n m` returns the de Bruijn index of a variable introduced by `n`th lambda
  -- in a context with `m` lambdas. We also increase the lambdas counter by `suc n`.

  -- Function application for values is

  _∙_ : VTerm -> VTerm -> VTerm
  pure f  x = pure (f ·⁺ readback x)
  lam k   x = k x

  -- The `lam` case is the same. `_∙_` is used such that in the `pure` case
  -- `f` is always a neutral term and hence `x` can safely be readback -- it won't participate
  -- in β-reductions. So this is how we construct terms: we collect function applications
  -- under the `pure` wrapper.

  -- `eval` is the same as before.

  eval : Term -> VTerm
  eval = go [] where
    go : List VTerm -> Term -> VTerm
    go ρ (var n) = unsafeLookup n ρ
    go ρ (ƛ b  ) = lam  x -> go (x  ρ) b)
    go ρ (f · x) = go ρ f  go ρ x

  norm : Term -> Term
  norm t = readback (eval t) 0

  -- Let's now look at an example.

  ηω : Term
  ηω = ƛ var 0 · (ƛ var 1 · var 0)

  -- `norm ηω` reduces like this:
  -- expand all definitions:
  -- `norm ηω`
  -- `readback (eval ηω) 0`
  -- `readback (lam λ x -> x ∙ (lam λ y -> x ∙ y)) 0`

  -- `readback` consumes `lam`:
  -- `ƛ readback (pure (var⁺ 0) ∙ (lam λ y -> pure (var⁺ 0) ∙ y)) 1`

  -- `_∙_` fires:
  -- `ƛ readback (pure (var⁺ 0 ·⁺ readback (lam λ y -> pure (var⁺ 0) ∙ y))) 1`

  -- `readback` consumes `pure`:
  -- `ƛ (var⁺ 0 ·⁺ readback (lam λ y -> pure (var⁺ 0) ∙ y)) 1`

  -- `_·⁺_` fires:
  -- `ƛ var⁺ 0 1 · readback (lam λ y -> pure (var⁺ 0) ∙ y)) 1`

  -- `var⁺ 0 1` reduces:
  -- `ƛ var 0 · readback (lam λ y -> pure (var⁺ 0) ∙ y)) 1`

  -- `readback` consumes `lam`:
  -- `ƛ var 0 · (ƛ readback (pure (var⁺ 0) ∙ pure (var⁺ 1)) 2)`

  -- `_∙_` fires:
  -- `ƛ var 0 · (ƛ readback (pure (var⁺ 0 ·⁺ readback (pure (var⁺ 1)))) 2)`

  -- `readback`s consume `pure`s:
  -- `ƛ var 0 · (ƛ (var⁺ 0 ·⁺ var⁺ 1) 2)`

  -- `_·⁺_` fires
  -- `ƛ var 0 · (ƛ var⁺ 0 2 · var⁺ 1 2)`

  -- `var⁺` reduce:
  -- `ƛ var 0 · (ƛ var 1 · var 0)`

  -- and we're done.

  -- The key point is that the number of encountered lambdas is traced over the whole computation.
  -- `_·⁺_` "distributes" it, `var⁺` and `readback` consume it. `_∙_` "resumes" `readback`:

  -- `pure f ∙ x = pure (f ·⁺ readback x)`

  -- and it always starts at the point where the previous `readback` stopped
  -- (i.e. with the same amount of encountered lambdas), where "stopping" is

  -- `readback (pure t) n = t n`

  -- This also explains why we can't simply use de Bruijn levels -- it's anyway necessarily to
  -- trace a number of encountered lambdas to be able to resume `readback`.

module Reify&Reflect where
  open NewValues hiding (readback; _∙_; eval; norm)

  infixr 6 _⇒_

  -- There is another standard variant of Normalization by Evaluation:
  -- in terms of `reify` and `reflect`. It's type-directed, so we'll need some types for it:

  data Type : Set where
       : Type
    _⇒_ : Type -> Type -> Type

  postulate undefined :  {α} {A : Set α} -> A

  -- Function application that β-reduces remains the same for the `lam` case
  -- and becomes undefined otherwise.

  _∙_ :  {A} -> Value A -> Value A -> Value A
  pure _  x = undefined
  lam k   x = k x

  -- `eval` is the same.

  eval :  {A} -> Term -> Value A
  eval t = go [] t where
    go :  {A} -> List (Value A) -> Term -> Value A
    go ρ (var n) = unsafeLookup n ρ
    go ρ (ƛ b  ) = lam  x -> go (x  ρ) b)
    go ρ (f · x) = go ρ f  go ρ x

  -- The core of the approach:

    reify : Type -> VTerm -> Term⁺
    reify        (pure t) n = t n
    reify (σ  τ) (lam k)  n = ƛ (reify τ (k (rvar⁺ σ n)) (suc n))
    reify  _       _       n = undefined

    reflect : Type -> Term⁺ -> VTerm
    reflect        t = pure t
    reflect (σ  τ) f = lam λ x -> reflect τ (f ·⁺ reify σ x)

    rvar⁺ : Type ->  -> VTerm
    rvar⁺ σ n = reflect σ (var⁺ n)

  norm : Type -> Term -> Term
  norm σ t = reify σ (eval t) 0

  -- Compare `reify` to `readback`:

  -- readback : VTerm -> Term⁺
  -- readback (pure t) n = t n
  -- readback (lam k)  n = ƛ (readback (k (pure (var⁺ n))) (suc n))

  -- They are very similar except that in `readback` `k` receives `pure (var⁺ n)`
  -- and in `reify` `k` receives `reflect σ (var⁺ n)` (after unfolding `rvar⁺ σ n`).
  -- `reify` is also type-directed, hence it performs full η-expansion.

  -- So what's the difference between `pure (var⁺ n)` and `reflect σ (var⁺ n)`?
  -- `reflect` performs η-expansion of values.

  -- Recall how `_∙_` was defined in the previous section:

  -- _∙_ : VTerm -> VTerm -> VTerm
  -- pure f ∙ x = pure (f ·⁺ readback x)
  -- lam k  ∙ x = k x

  -- With this definition `pure (var⁺ n) ∙ x` reduces to `pure (var⁺ n ·⁺ readback x)`.
  -- `reflect` allows to reduce the expression in the same way while leaving `_∙_` undefined
  -- in the `pure` case. Instead, both the tasks of performing β-reductions and collecting
  -- function applications under the `pure` wrapper we solve using just `lam`.

  -- Consider `rvar⁺ (⋆ ⇒ ⋆) n ∙ x`. It reduces to `(lam λ y -> pure (var⁺ n ·⁺ reify σ y)) ∙ x`
  -- and further to `pure (var⁺ n ·⁺ reify σ x)`. Just the same expression as before
  -- (keep in mind that `reify` is a new version of `readback`).

  -- That's basically it. The `reify&reflect` approach is just the `readback` approach
  -- after some reshuffling.

module Typed where
  -- The next step is to define normalization for Church-like typed terms.
  -- It's straightforward to adapt the liftable terms approach to typed setting
  -- (though, it still costs a `postulate`). An implementation can be found here:


  -- Note that this approach allows to get a first-order representation
  -- of a pure Agda lambda term, see the examples at the end of the file.
  -- The implementation is in terms of `reify` and `reflect`. It's adapted from [4].

  -- But the actual magic happens when you interpret function space of the target language
  -- in a Kripke-like fashion and thus incorporate weakening into semantics.
  -- I'm not very comfortable with this approach, so I won't describe it either, but
  -- a minimal implementation (in terms of `readback`) can be found here:


module References where
  -- [1] "Reverse Engineering Machines with the Yoneda Lemma"
  -- Dan Piponi

  -- [2]

  -- [3] "Normalization by Evaluation for Martin-Löf Type Theory with One Universe"
  -- Andreas Abel, Klaus Aehlig, Peter Dybjer

  -- [4] "Normalization by Evaluation, Dependent Types and Impredicativity"
  -- Andreas Abel

Saturday, 20 February 2016

Simple generic programming.

-- When I was reading about descriptions ([1]), I was wondering whether
-- there is an encoding that is not that powerful, but simple, straightforward
-- and allows to encode a vast amount of data types among with their elimination principles
-- (the containers approach ([2]) doesn't allow this in an intensional type theory [3]).
-- I'll describe such encoding.

open import Level renaming (zero to lzero; suc to lsuc)
open import Function
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality
open import Data.Nat.Base renaming (_⊔_ to _⊔ℕ_)
open import Data.Product
open import Data.List.Base

infixr 5 _∷₁_

-- `List₁ B xs` contains a `B x` for each `x` in `xs`.
-- It's the same `All` from `Data.List.All`, but lies in `Set β` rather than `Set (α ⊔ β)`.

data List₁ {α β} {A : Set α} (B : A -> Set β) : List A -> Set β where
  []₁  : List₁ B []
  _∷₁_ :  {x xs} -> B x -> List₁ B xs -> List₁ B (x  xs)

-- And here is the encoding.

Over :  {ι} -> Set ι ->  α -> Set (ι  lsuc α)
Over I α = List I -> I -> Set α

record Rose {ι α} {I : Set ι} (F : Over I α) j : Set (ι  α) where
  constructor node
    {is}   : List I
    cons   : F is j
    childs : List₁ (Rose F) is

-- `Over` describes all possible constructors of a data type and
-- `Rose` ties the knot and connects these constructors together.

-- `Rose` is able to express inductive families and that's why there is the `I` --
-- it's the type of the indices of a data type.

-- `Over` contains all information about a data type being described
-- except for inductive occurrences, which are reflected to the type level
-- by storing their indices in `List I`. The final `I` in

-- Over I α = List I -> I -> Set α

-- is for the index that a constructor produces.

-- Here is how it looks for vectors:
module Vec where
  data VecF {α} (A : Set α) : Over  α where

    -- The first constructor for `Vec` (`[]ᵥ`) doesn't contain any data
    -- and it produces the index `0`.
    Nil  : VecF A [] 0
    -- The second constructor for `Vec` (`_∷ᵥ_`) contains an `A` and
    -- an inductive occurrence of `Vec`. It produces the index `suc n`
    -- where `n` is the index of the inductive occurrence.
    -- Hence we put `n` into the list of indices of inductive occurrences and return `suc n`.
    Cons :  {n} -> A -> VecF A (n  []) (suc n)

  -- `Vec` then is
  Vec :  {α} -> Set α ->  -> Set α
  Vec A n = Rose (VecF A) n

  -- Let's look again at the definition of `Rose`:

  -- record Rose {ι α} {I : Set ι} (F : Over I α) j : Set (ι ⊔ α) where
  --   inductive
  --   constructor node
  --   field
  --     {is}   : List I
  --     cons   : F is j
  --     childs : List₁ (Rose F) is

  -- `j` is an index of an inhabitant of a data type.
  -- `is` is a list of indices of inductive occurrences.
  -- `cons` is a constructor of this data type.
  -- `childs` is a list of `Rose F i` for each `i` in `is`,
  -- i.e. a list that actually contains inductive occurrences (finally).

  -- Recall the definition of `Cons`:
  -- `Cons : ∀ {n} -> A -> VecF A (n ∷ []) (suc n)`
  -- When we write `node (Cons x)` `is` gets unified with `_n ∷ []` and
  -- `j` gets unified with `suc _n` for a fresh meta `_n`.
  -- Thus, `childs` has type `List₁ (Vec A) (_n ∷ [])`,
  -- i.e. there is exactly one child -- `Vec A n`.

  -- So here are the constructors:

  -- []ᵥ : ∀ {α} {A : Set α} -> Vec A 0
  -- []ᵥ = node Nil []₁

  -- _∷ᵥ_ : ∀ {n α} {A : Set α} -> A -> Vec A n -> Vec A (suc n)
  -- x ∷ᵥ xs = node (Cons x) (xs ∷₁ []₁)

  -- But for convenience we'll define them as pattern synonyms instead

  pattern []ᵥ = node Nil []₁
  pattern _∷ᵥ_ x xs = node (Cons x) (xs ∷₁ []₁)

  -- And guess what, we have literally the same eliminator as for the usual `Vec`:

  elimVec :  {α π} {A : Set α} {n}
          -> (P :  {n} -> Vec A n -> Set π)
          -> (∀ {n} {xs : Vec A n} x -> P xs -> P (x ∷ᵥ xs))
          -> P []ᵥ
          -> (xs : Vec A n)
          -> P xs
  elimVec P f z  []ᵥ      = z
  elimVec P f z (x ∷ᵥ xs) = f x (elimVec P f z xs)

  -- So we basically don't need it -- we can use pattern matching directly, e.g.:

  vmap :  {n α β} {A : Set α} {B : Set β} -> (A -> B) -> Vec A n -> Vec B n
  vmap f  []ᵥ      = []ᵥ
  vmap f (x ∷ᵥ xs) = f x ∷ᵥ vmap f xs

  vhead :  {n α} {A : Set α} -> Vec A (suc n) -> A
  vhead (x ∷ᵥ xs) = x

module AnEliminator where
  -- We can of course define an eliminator of `Rose`.
  -- But let's define an eliminator for something simpler first.

  data Tree {α} (A : Set α) : Set α where
    branch : A -> List (Tree A) -> Tree A

  -- An eliminator is an induction principle and an induction hypothesis
  -- sounds like "`P` holds, if it holds at every inductive position".
  -- To say "`P` holds for a list `xs` of inductive occurrences" we write `List₁ P xs`.
  -- Here is the eliminator:

  elimTree :  {α π} {A : Set α}
           -> (P : Tree A -> Set π)
           -> (∀ {ts} x -> List₁ P ts -> P (branch x ts))
           ->  t
           -> P t
  elimTree P f (branch x ts) = f x (elimTrees ts) where
    elimTrees :  ts -> List₁ P ts
    elimTrees  []      = []₁
    elimTrees (t  ts) = elimTree P f t ∷₁ elimTrees ts

  -- `Rose` is basically the same thing as `Tree`, but there is `List₁` instead of `List`.
  -- All we need is to define `List₂` over `List₁` in the same manner as `List₁` over `List` before.

  data List₂ {α β γ} {A : Set α} {B : A -> Set β} (C :  {x} -> B x -> Set γ)
             :  {xs} -> List₁ B xs -> Set γ where
    []₂  : List₂ C []₁
    _∷₂_ :  {x xs} {y : B x} {ys : List₁ B xs} -> C y -> List₂ C ys -> List₂ C (y ∷₁ ys)
  lmap₂ :  {α β γ} {A : Set α} {B : A -> Set β} {C :  {x} -> B x -> Set γ} {xs}
        -> (∀ {x} -> (y : B x) -> C y) -> (ys : List₁ B xs) -> List₂ C ys
  lmap₂ g  []₁      = []₂
  lmap₂ g (y ∷₁ ys) = g y ∷₂ lmap₂ g ys

  elimRose :  {ι α π} {I : Set ι} {F : Over I α} {j}
           -> (P :  {j} -> Rose F j -> Set π)
           -> (∀ {is j cs} -> (c : F is j) -> List₂ P cs -> P (node c cs))
           -> (r : Rose F j)
           -> P r
  elimRose P f (node c cs) = f c (lmap₂ (elimRose P f) cs)

  -- We could get rid of the `{-# TERMINATING #-}` pragma by inlining `lmap₂' and
  -- defining `elimRose` mutually with `elimRoses` as in the case of `Tree`, but I hate this.

  -- As an example, let's define an eliminator for `Vec` in terms of `elimRose`.

  open Vec

  elimVec′ :  {α π} {A : Set α} {n}
           -> (P :  {n} -> Vec A n -> Set π)
           -> (∀ {n} {xs : Vec A n} x -> P xs -> P (x ∷ᵥ xs))
           -> P []ᵥ
           -> (xs : Vec A n)
           -> P xs
  elimVec′ {A = A} P f z = elimRose P h where
    h :  {is j cs} -> (c : VecF A is j) -> List₂ P cs -> P (node c cs) 
    h  Nil      []₂        = z
    h (Cons x) (xs ∷₂ []₂) = f x xs

  -- Not super nice, but works.

  -- A recursor is similar:

  unmap₁ :  {α β γ} {A : Set α} {B : A -> Set β} {C : Set γ} {xs}
         -> (∀ {x} -> B x -> C) -> List₁ B xs -> List C
  unmap₁ g  []₁      = []
  unmap₁ g (y ∷₁ ys) = g y  unmap₁ g ys

  foldRose :  {ι α π} {I : Set ι} {F : Over I α} {j} {P : Set π}
           -> (∀ {is j} -> F is j -> List P -> P) -> Rose F j -> P
  foldRose f (node c cs) = f c (unmap₁ (foldRose f) cs)

  -- We can define a generic `depth` function that returns the depth of any `Rose`.

  depth :  {ι α} {I : Set ι} {F : Over I α} {j} -> Rose F j -> 
  depth = foldRose  _ -> foldr (_⊔ℕ_  suc) 0)

  -- A simple test:

  vec-depth :  {n α} {A : Set α} -> (xs : Vec A n) -> depth xs  n
  vec-depth  []ᵥ      = refl
  vec-depth (x ∷ᵥ xs) = cong suc (vec-depth xs)

-- One restriction is that we can't describe data types in which an inductive position occurs
-- to the right of the arrow in a parameter of a constructor (like e.g. in `W`).
-- This is fixable: I wrote a library that deals with Observational Type Theory,
-- `W` is expressible there and has the usual induction principle.
-- Here it is:

-- An extended example: simply typed lambda calculus.
module STLC where
  infixr 6 _⇒_
  infixl 5 _▻_
  infix  3 _∈_ _⊢_
  infixr 4 vs_
  infixr 0 ƛ_
  infixl 6 _·_

  data Type : Set where
    nat : Type
    _⇒_ : Type -> Type -> Type

  ⟦_⟧ : Type -> Set
   nat    = 
   σ  τ  =  σ  ->  τ 

  data Con : Set where
    ε   : Con
    _▻_ : Con -> Type -> Con

  data _∈_ σ : Con -> Set where
    vz  :  {Γ}   -> σ  Γ  σ
    vs_ :  {Γ τ} -> σ  Γ     -> σ  Γ  τ

  data Env : Con -> Set where
       : Env ε
    _▷_ :  {Γ σ} -> Env Γ ->  σ  -> Env (Γ  σ)

  lookupᵉ :  {Γ σ} -> σ  Γ -> Env Γ ->  σ 
  lookupᵉ  vz    (ρ  x) = x
  lookupᵉ (vs v) (ρ  x) = lookupᵉ v ρ

  data TermF : Over (Con × Type) lzero where
    Pure  :  {Γ σ  } ->  σ  -> TermF  []                                      (Γ , σ    )
    Var   :  {Γ σ  } -> σ  Γ -> TermF  []                                      (Γ , σ    )
    Lam   :  {Γ σ τ} ->          TermF ((Γ  σ , τ)  [])                       (Γ , σ  τ)
    App   :  {Γ σ τ} ->          TermF ((Γ , σ  τ)  (Γ , σ)  [])             (Γ , τ    )
    Z     :  {Γ    } ->          TermF  []                                      (Γ , nat  )
    S     :  {Γ    } ->          TermF ((Γ , nat)  [])                         (Γ , nat  )
    Fold  :  {Γ σ  } ->          TermF ((Γ , σ  σ)  (Γ , σ)  (Γ , nat)  []) (Γ , σ    )
  _⊢_ : Con -> Type -> Set
  Γ  σ = Rose TermF (Γ , σ)

  Term⁺ : Type -> Set
  Term⁺ σ =  {Γ} -> Γ  σ

  Term⁽⁾ : Type -> Set
  Term⁽⁾ σ = ε  σ

  pattern pure x      = node (Pure x) []₁
  pattern var v       = node (Var v) []₁
  pattern ƛ_ b        = node Lam (b ∷₁ []₁)
  pattern _·_ f x     = node App (f ∷₁ x ∷₁ []₁)
  pattern z           = node Z []₁
  pattern s n         = node S (n ∷₁ []₁)
  pattern tfold f x n = node Fold (f ∷₁ x ∷₁ n ∷₁ []₁)

  ⟦_⟧ᵥ :  {Γ σ} -> Γ  σ -> Env Γ ->  σ 
   pure x      ⟧ᵥ ρ = x
   var v       ⟧ᵥ ρ = lookupᵉ v ρ
   ƛ b         ⟧ᵥ ρ = λ x ->  b ⟧ᵥ (ρ  x)
   f · x       ⟧ᵥ ρ =  f ⟧ᵥ ρ ( x ⟧ᵥ ρ)
   z           ⟧ᵥ ρ = 0
   s n         ⟧ᵥ ρ = suc ( n ⟧ᵥ ρ)
   tfold f x n ⟧ᵥ ρ = fold ( x ⟧ᵥ ρ) ( f ⟧ᵥ ρ) ( n ⟧ᵥ ρ)

  eval :  {σ} -> Term⁽⁾ σ ->  σ 
  eval t =  t ⟧ᵥ 

  A :  {σ τ} -> Term⁺ ((σ  τ)  σ  τ)
  A = ƛ ƛ var (vs vz) · var vz

  test :  {σ τ} -> eval (A {σ} {τ})  _$_
  test = refl

module References where
  -- [1] "The Gentle Art of Levitation"
  -- James Chapman, Pierre-Evariste Dagand, Conor McBride, Peter Morris
  -- [2] "Indexed Containers"
  -- Thorsten Altenkirch, Neil Ghani, Peter Hancock, Conor McBride, Peter Morris
  -- [3] "W-types: good news and bad news"
  -- Conor McBride